The Red Path is when there is NO WILLINGNESS to do a particular something. When we have to do something that we don’t like. When there is no intrinstic motivation to act nor start the given task. Emotions are rather unpleasant for the body, or there is a whole palette from great aversion to joy when something about the RED PATH COMES to me! When we are “walking on the Red Path” we are reluctant to learn. Our self-esteem is unstable. Rather, ‘we do not infect with passion, because we do not have it,’ and in doing THIS activity we may end up being a craftsman. It is also possible. But in this red field we do not have a chance to achieve PERSONAL MASTERY.
What is being on the Green Path, and what is being on the Red Path? How can you recognize these different states? It’s simple, you just need to be in connection with yourself, feel yourself and notice what is happening to you when you undertake a particular activity. DO YOU EXPERIENCE WILLINGNESS TO DO “IT”, OR NOT? And, of course, do you experience instrinsic motivation to act? Is the activity sparking the instrinsic motivation that does not need any effort from your side?
I know, I am aware that life is not always on the Green Pathways. Sometimes we have to work hard and achieve goals by walking on the Red Paths or removing red stones on our Green Paths. But we should get to know them as soon as possible, name directions and only spend a lot of time on them, building ourselves and our personal strength and power. I am writing this from the perspective of a person who spent most of his time on his Red Paths during 19-year education characteristed as Generation X education style.
However, I did not give up. I changed my job 6 times. I was finishing subsequent postgraduate studies, courses and trainings. I searched, checked and finally trusted my intuition and passion. Until I found the professional areas of my dreams. The profession that I practice now, when I was in college, did not exist yet. At the moment, I spend my time on discovering the talents and strengths of others on a daily basis!
At Flashpoint Talent Institute – We inspire others to discover passion with passion – this is our mission. This is what we infect others with the greatest commitment, because it is our Green Path.
Autor: Renata Gut – Founder and manager at Flashpoint Talent Institute. Executive business coach and leadership team coach. Article is coming from the book “Generation Y. Self-management on the Green Path.” (Gut & Gut 2016).