For many of us the rush of every day life easily distracts us from following our Green Path and natural potential. The individually designed bracelets showcasing your talents on your writs will help you to stay focused.
Be you no matter where you are. You can choose the bracelet full of passion from available ornaments. Get inspired by magic of materials, colors, elegance, style of sunny streets of Barcelona. You can choose to focus on your TOP 5 or TOP 10 talents (each bracelet cost is 30 € ). To order a bracelet send an email to: coaching@agnieszkagut.com
The happiness is not a moment, it is an internal decision that drives you from the inside. It is waking up every day with feeling of freedom and belonging. It is being honest with yourself. You feel it strongly when you do things you love, and when you know you are going in the right direction. This moment when you close your eyes, breath-in and you feel the sweet smell of air. When you open your eyes, you are still there, this feeling never ends. You feel alive. Pure happiness coming out of you, hearing sound of laugher, and exchanging positive energy. The wind cleans you from outside, your hair reacts like you can do anything – complete freedom. The fresh breeze of the sea… Sound of dolphines cheerfully exchanging their reflections underwater. They are smiling to you, saying you can reach out and catch these dreams that everyone tells you are unreachable. This moment you know you can do it, just make the first move. Every single step – on your way to reach deep happiness. Live your life fully, every moment is precious.
I was always passionate about colors, shapes, sizes, and combinations. Since I was a little girl, I was making handmade art, especially bracelets. However, it was always with a dedication to someone special, who inspired me by the outlook, conversation, wisdom, or attitude. I remember it as a magic moment, when in the middle of millions of tasks of everyday life, I am entering in my Zen time and make bracelets. In some cases, I am inspired by the strangers, to whom I decide to give bracelet when its finished. This smile and unexpected positive energy that is in the air when the person is saying – thank you. This small random gift that is just a bracelet, but at the same time it is a sign of compassion, love, freedom, care, and the feeling of belonging. I fall in love in this feeling the moment I felt it the first time and decided that I want to make it contagious. I want to inspire people to keep pushing forward, seek for the answers, never give up and find the true passion and sense of their life. It may sound silly, but sometimes you need just a simple symbol – like a bracelet, that will remind you about your identity, about who you really are, and will allow you to always be yourself, no matter what. Get inspired by elegance, simplicity, exclusivity, style, high-quality fabric, fancy attitude, originality.
Get inspired by elegance, simplicity, exclusivity, style, high-quality fabric, fancy attitude, originality. Get Inspired by designs, and people who spend every single second looking for the road to their heart and passion. Just be you, cause life is too short to be anybody else. Enjoy your journey in which talents are the center of all life decision making.
Agnieszka Gut
Contact me by emai sending the list of your talents and we will together build a perfect bracelet design.